Each of these ladies had challenges; each of them committed to the first step, "Education" It opens the doors of opportunity. Empowerment is employment is a job or career that pays a living wage
Programs & Services
Lift them Up!
Empowering women & young adults seeking self-sufficiency
Because Houston Loves human service programs provide case management, education, employment, and job training for mothers, women, & young adults that want to become self-sufficient. This program assist with obtaining secondary & post secondary education needed to become marketable in today's job market. Ladies learn job preparation skills & job development skills necessary to seek employment in career fields of their choice. Ladies develop workforce skills and confidence needed to compete in the challenging Texas workforce. Lift Them Up guidance counselors understand the barriers to self-sufficiency: social skills; emotional support; critical thinking skills, financial stability, & job preparation. We empower women with the occupational skills required to apply; accept, and maintain employment in high growth & high paying jobs. The women we serve want independence, they want the opportunity to compete; they want to earn a living wage; for so many they need these opportunities to gain the respect of their children & family. The respect they seek is often tied to education, employment, and self-sufficiency. Lift Them UP empowers women to enjoy the economic benefits of employment and the freedom of self-sufficiency. Lift them Up empowers women to become self-sufficient & confident mothers who contribute to their families and communities.
Many programs are free! Some programs require a fee!
Financing or Payment Plans are available to all applicants. y.
Eligible Applicants: Women, young adults, mothers, & expectant mothers in need of assistance to become self-sufficient. Many services are free to women and young adults who meet federal or state guidelines for social services that includes: Subsidized housing; WIC; Medicare or Medicaid; SNAP, & TANF. Skill remediation and skill assessments for including mothers who are unemployed;& underemployed due to deficits in education and job training.
Welcome: Career Training in High Growth Jobs that Pay a Living Wage!
Veterans, wives of veterans; and widows of veterans are welcome.
Women and Children in Crisis
Recently divorced mothers; mothers experiencing the hardship of pending divorce or separation are welcome. Mothers who are fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking
Women & Young adults that want to become self-sufficient
Contact: Mrs. Matthews832-301-4808
Because Houston Loves You
2500 E.T.C. Jester Ste 362 Houston, TX 77008
Email: b-houstonlovesyou2@att.net
Donations & Volunteers Welcome
Applications accepted year round! You must make an appointment !Call 832-301-4808
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00-6:00pm
Friday: Office Closed .
Friday: 9am -9pm Job Training & Development
Saturday: 10am-9pm "Chose a schedule you can Keep!
Childcare Referrals & Assistance